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Nassau County Earns Distinguished Triple Crown Award

We are pleased to announce that Nassau County has received its first Triple Crown Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the 2023 budget year. This is the highest honor a local government can achieve in financial reporting and further demonstrates the County’s commitment and dedication to achieving the gold standard in transparency, financial responsibility, and public outreach. This award can only be achieved by earning all three (3) notable GFOA Awards in a budget year: The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, the Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, and the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award.

The Board of County Commissioners earned its second consecutive Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the FY 23/24. In order to be considered, the Board had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. The guidelines are designed to assess how well the budget serves as a policy document; a financial plan; an operations guide; and a communications device. The County had to be rated proficient in all four categories, and in fourteen mandatory criteria within each of those categories to receive the award.

Additionally, the Nassau County Clerk of Court and Comptroller’s Office has won its 17th consecutive GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for their Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and the GFOA’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for the 12th consecutive year.

Clerk of Court and Comptroller John A. Crawford stated, “We are so proud and honored! Winning this award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Clerk's office, the Board of County Commissioners, and their team. It demonstrates our commitment to transparency, accountability, and upholding the highest standards in governmental finance.”

BOCC Chairman John Martin added, “This is the first time that Nassau County has been a recipient of the Triple Crown Award. We have worked hard to achieve the highest level of financial reporting and to provide a thorough, accurate and transparent budget process. I am extremely proud of everyone whose efforts contributed to this prestigious award.”

To learn more about the GFOA and the Distinguished Budget Award, visit

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