County Manager Hosts Winter Strategic Planning Sessions
On Thursday, March 13 and Friday, March 14, 2025, County Manager Taco Pope hosted the 2025 Winter Strategic Planning Session (WSPS-25) of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The WSPS is an annual event where the County Manager leads the BOCC in discussions to obtain feedback that defines the strategic direction of the organization, defines organizational priorities, allocates resources, and serves to ‘kick-off’ the County’s annual budget development process.
The event was a Workshop and as such, no action was taken. Discussions included the budget, land conservation, park projects, road projects, Vision 2050, legislative matters, and more. The Board's collective input will be used to the guide the County Manager and staff to ensure that identified priorities are being addressed and achieved. Any items needing consideration will be brought back at future public meetings.
A copy of the agenda can be found here. Audio from the meeting will be uploaded to the Clerk's website at
Great job to County Manager Pope, the County Commissioners and other County staff for an informative and successful planning event.