Tangible Personal Property Returns Due April 1st

Nassau County Property Appraiser Kevin Lilly would like to remind everyone that Tangible Personal Property (TPP) returns are due no later than Tuesday, April 1, 2025 to avoid penalties. Tangible Personal Property is all property other than real estate that has value in or of itself. It includes items such as business machinery, office equipment, industrial equipment, farm equipment and other similar items.
Any person or business that owns such property must file a Tangible Personal Property Return and file it with the Property Appraiser's Office no later April 1st each year. The forms for this filing are available at the Property Appraiser’s office or at the Department of Revenue’s website. The form must be completed fully, including the year the property was purchased, the purchase price, age, and a description of the item. You should also list any property that you lease or rent from another company and their name and address. To learn more, click here to be directed to the Property Appraiser's website.