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Notice of Nassau County Road Closure

The Nassau County Capital Improvement Projects Department is reconstructing the Chester Road and Pages Dairy Road intersection including the storm drains on Chester Road immediately to the north and south of the railroad tracks. The road closure will be from Pages Dairy Road at the Railroad crossing to the entrance of Fantastic Gymnastics. Work is expected to start on March 18th. Completion of the storm drain installation is expected to take 4 days and will conclude on Friday, March 21st, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting.

Traffic will be maintained in accordance with FDOT design standards throughout the project. During the reconstruction there will be a detour via Pages Dairy Road to Felmor Road to SR 200 / A1A. During the reconstruction Chester Road will be closed to complete work, as seen in the below graphic. 

Questions? Please contact James Cuneo at (386) 983-2810 or via email at

Nassau County Road Closure
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