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Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall at the Northeast Florida Fairgrounds

Event Name: Vietnam Voices
Dates: April 17-21, 2025
Location: Northeast Florida Fairgrounds, Nassau County
Event Highlights:

  • Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall
  • Special ceremonies and reflections from local veterans and dignitaries
  • Community activities aimed at honoring our Vietnam veterans

In a heartwarming display of unity and remembrance, the Town of Hilliard, Florida, along with the VFW Post 10095 and VFW Auxiliary Post 10095, have joined forces to bring a significant piece of history to Nassau County. The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall, a poignant tribute to the sacrifices made during the Vietnam War, will be making its way to the Northeast Florida Fairgrounds in Callahan from April 17th to April 21st, 2025.

This collaborative effort, aptly named "Vietnam Voices," embodies the spirit of community and honor. Recognizing that not everyone can travel to Washington, D.C. to pay their respects at the original Vietnam Memorial Wall, the organizers have taken it upon themselves to ensure that the opportunity for reflection and remembrance is brought closer to home.

The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall, a three-fifths scale model of the iconic monument in the nation's capital, stretches approximately 300 feet, serving as a solemn reminder of the more than 58,000 men and women who lost their lives during the Vietnam War. Its presence in Nassau County will provide locals with a unique opportunity to honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

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