2050 Path Forward: Final Survey

Over the past year, Nassau County and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) have conducted a study on public transportation and gathered input from the community through a series of surveys, open houses and appearances at local events. The purpose of the study was to analyze existing conditions and the changing landscape of the County, in order to develop a plan to enhance transit service within the County, as well as exploring connections to neighboring transportation providers in the region. The outcome of the study will be a set of short-term and long-term recommendations for transportation investments and strategies.
In the first two surveys, the community helped JTA identify key transportation priorities and challenges. They have listened carefully and incorporated your feedback into the initial stages of their planning process. Now, as they progress toward finalizing the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), they need your help once again to refine the strategies and ensure they align with the community's vision for a safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation network.
The third and final survey is now available and focuses on specific proposals and initiatives that have been developed based on the community's earlier feedback and detailed technical analyses. Your responses will once again guide JTA in prioritizing projects, allocating resources, and making informed decisions that will shape the transportation landscape for years to come.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
SURVEY LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LRTP_Survey3_Newsletter