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Community Building Blocks Survey

Your voice shapes Nassau County's Future! We heard your thoughts on the Vision. Now, share your ideas on the building blocks!

Nassau County is building a vision for the future, and we need YOUR input! Over thousands of voices shared their hopes for Nassau’s future. Take the quick second survey to share your ideas on the community's DRAFT "Community Building Blocks" – these core values will guide recommendations and strategies for the Nassau Florida Vision 2050 plan. These draft Building Blocks were created by synthesizing: the community’s voice and a recognition of future needs following an analysis of existing conditions.

The County launched Nassau Florida Vision 2050, a collaborative 18-month process involving local leaders, residents, businesses, and stakeholders to shape the future of our community. The Building Blocks were identified through community engagement, and a review of the County's plans, studies, and existing conditions. Spread the word and share the survey with your friends and family!

To learn more about the project, future Bicentennial events, and ways to get involved, please visit 

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