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Chester Road and Pages Dairy Intersection Improvements Project

Please be advised that the Chester Road & Pages Dairy Road Intersection Improvements Project will begin on August 1, 2024. This project will include widening and resurfacing of Chester Road from David Hallman Parkway to Courtney Isles Way, construction of turn lanes, addition of bike lanes, utility improvements, drainage improvements, and a new traffic signal at Chester and Pages Dairy. This project will greatly improve the safety of the roadway for both motorists and pedestrians.
The bid was awarded to Reeves Construction Company on June 13, 2024, in the amount of $7.5 million. The project will take approximately 465 days and is anticipated to be completed in November 2025.
Board of County Commissioner Chairman John Martin stated, “The Board recognized the need for this improvement and added it to the County’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan in 2017. Large capital improvement projects such as this require years of planning and coordination. From land surveys to drafting of site plans, from executing contracts for design, engineering services and then construction, it is a very tedious process. This particular project also included extensive coordination and issuance of permits from First Coast Railroad, property acquisitions and easement rights along Chester Road, and a temporary construction easement. We are excited that all necessary steps have taken place for this project to begin and look forward to this much needed traffic improvement being completed”.
Should you have any questions about this project, please reach out to Capital Projects Management Director Raymond Albury at (904) 530-6225 or via e-mail at
We look forward to celebrating with the community at a Ribbon Cutting Event next year.

Chester Road Pages Dairy Improvements Project diagram
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